Package Revenue Report

The Package Revenue Report shows the revenue generated from packages and/or amenities at your Property, and can be customized by Property (with columns in the report representing the package plan categories designated during configuration (Configuration => Package Plan Categories) and assigned to specific posting types. Skyware installs your system with a set of Package Plan Categories for sectioning your posting types that are relatively standard (food, beverage, on-site, off-site), but your Property can personalize further what they're looking for). Only revenue posting types will appear on this report. In other words, the report will show any packages SOLD, and includes both the information shown on the Package Availability screen "sold" view, and any (one-off) packages generated for individual stays (see Packages on a Stay).

The report can be filtered by All, Packages by Day, or Amenities by Day. The report may be generated as a summary or in a detailed form; package revenue will be shown by package on the Summary, and for each guest on the Detail view. When generated the report shows the package name, the number of this package sold, the total revenue for the package then revenue divided into the categories room revenue, other revenue, and the configured revenue options. The Package Revenue command in the Revenue Reports section of the Reports Area opens the Package Revenue Report screen and allows you to generate a Report to your specifications.



Date Updated May 25, 2021